Friday, October 21, 2011

Question 149

X at the age of 11 was imprisoned as he used a homemade cannon to destroy his town's main gate. X was interested in art and was also a gymnast.X worked for a time as a shoemaker and even as a barber.X later joined the medical school at the University of Zaragoza.After graduating X joined the Spanish army as a medical officer.X was shared the Nobel Prize in physiology with Camillo Golgi in recognition of their work on the nervous system
Answer : Santiago Ramon y Cajual


arpit said...


Dakshin said...

Santiago Ramon

Rishikesh said...

Santiago Ramon Cajal

Anonymous said...

Santiago Ramon

indian said...

Santiago Ramón y Cajal.

Conquistador said...

Santiago ramon y cajal

Gowrisankar said...

Santiago Ramon y Cajal